
Vet Exam Pro

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Vet Exam Pro

iM3 is thrilled to present iM3 Vet-Exam Pro, the new, fast, simple, reliable and modern veterinary dental X-Ray software.

Taking all of our experience as the leading supplier of veterinary dental radiography and combining it with the feedback from our customers and participants at iM3 ACE courses over the years has allowed us to develop something truly special that is tailored and specific to the veterinary market.

iM3 Vet-Exam Pro incoroporates many new innovations and has been designed to be as user friendly and intuitive as possible. It fits perfectly in the iM3 ethos and is an excellent companion to the iM3 CR 7 Vet and the “Size Matters” approach to full mouth overview X-Rays, allowing you to make the most of these excellent tools.

The following pages highlight just some of our favorite features and benefits of iM3 Vet-Exam Pro.

Integrated Capture Screen and Viewer

iM3 Vet-Exam Pro makes an innovative leap by combining the capture screen and the historic image viewer. This provides ta simple all encompassing work space that allows for immediate comparison between newly acquired radiograpghs and older images already held in iM3 Vet-Exam Pro.

This simplified approach is key to the natural work flow iM3 Vet-Exam Pro provides to its users. Selecting or creating a patient leads directly to capture and view screen. As new radiographs are captured they are automatically saved in the background with no interuption to the user.

The modern coding and database management within iM3 Vet-Exam Pro keeps the program running smoothly and quickly without interuption regardless of the task.

Large Range of Species

iM3 Vet-Exam Pro allows for an extensive range of species. Each available species offers a specific tooth chart for accurate trident numbering and tracking of radiographs.

The full list of available species has been increased to now include cats, dogs, large exotic cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, hares, rats, mice, ferrets, birds, equine and apes.

Extremities or even full body images of small exotics can also be captured. The selection of filters and tools of iM3 Vet-Exam Pro combined with the dynamic range of the iM3 CR 7 Vet Dental X-Ray Scanner and its high resolution plus image plates make the system a must-have when working with small exotics.

Veterinary Specific Layouts

iM3 Vet-Exam Pro comes pre-loaded with veterinary-specific layouts for cats and for dogs that allow for quick and professional dental overviews. Including 6-image and 7-image layouts for iM3’s “Size Matters” overviews, 16-image and 22-image layouts for advanced overviews or DR 7 users, and options to include pre and post scaling images. You can also create your own layouts and save them for future use.

Layouts can be loaded as empty templates and radiographs easily dragged into them, or they can be automatically populated with the most recent images based on the tooth number. Layouts can even be automatically populated as full-mouth radiographs are taken in sequence. Additionally, each time a layout is used, the session is saved in the patient’s history allowing you to quickly continue from where you left off.

Refined Toolbox

The newly refined and improved toolbox was designed to be intuitive to both new and experienced users of veterinary dental software.

Finding the tool you want is fast and easy thanks to the descriptive headers and visual labelling. Basic tools for zooming, mirroring, correcting, filtering and annotating, along with the more advanced features of iM3 Vet Exam Pro, are all at your fingertips and ready to use.

The intuitive nature of iM3 Vet Exam Pro allows it to be learned quickly and easily so you can get on with the important tasks of dental care supported by a powerful software package.

DICOM and Auto Exports

Full DICOM compliance allows easy export of data to remote applications (DICOM Send - optional). With iM3 Vet Exam Pro you can use DICOM Send or export in any of the wide range of image formats the software supports.

Whichever you choose, exporting is handled as a background task so there is zero downtime for you as images are transferred.

iM3 Vet-Exam Pro Upgrade Options

iM3 Vet Exam Pro now comes as standard with all new purchases of the iM3 CR 7 Vet Dental X-Ray Scanner.

Upgrades are also available to users of Vet-Exam Plus and Vet-Exam Intra. Prices vary depending on the age of your CR 7 scanner, please complete the below form and a member of the iM3 team will contact you with specific pricing and training options.

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